Don't forget to add your college credit watersports class this semester

School doesn't get much better than being outdoors, on-the-water, learning a new and fun activity you can enjoy for a lifetime. Every semester, over 1,000 students earn college credit in one of the 122 sessions of semester-long college credit watersports classes offered at MBAC. These 14-week-long classes are offered by the SDSU School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences and USD Education Recreation for SDSU and USD students to receive university credit for participating.  The beautiful waters of Mission Bay and Mission Beach  are your classroom where our qualified instructors will teach you surfing, wakeboarding, stand up paddling, sailing, kayaking, rowing, or windsurfing. Whether you are looking to add an extra unit to your schedule, or sign up for a class just for fun, this is by far the best deal that you will find anywhere in San Diego.

View a schedule of the Spring ENS classes.

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