Now that the sun has decided to show up this summer in San Diego there has never been a better time to learn to surf. This month our featured class is our Two Session Surfing class. This class meets on a Saturday AND Sunday providing you with enough instruction over the weekend to feel confident practicing on your own after the class. On Saturday your class will begin with classroom instruction providing you with safety information and proper etiquette while out in the lineup followed by on-the-water instruction on proper paddling technique. Paddling is very important, as many surfers will tell you surfing is 80% paddling and 20% riding a wave. Next, you will work on your pop up on the beach, before charging the waves with an instructor there to assist in riding your first wave.
After all the fun and excitement on Saturday you will be able to come back on Sunday and continue practicing catching and riding waves which makes this 2-day class perfect for those looking for a successful surfing session.
Don't let this sunny summer pass you by without getting out there in the water and learning to surf.
Check out the schedule of upcoming classes on the surfing class page on our website.Labels: Surfing